18 September, 2009

My Little Girl

Since Sunday (13 Sept), when I received an excited phone call from my daughter Brittanny telling me the Kyle just ask her to marry her, I have felt oh so old. Was it not just yesterday that I was holding her in my arms, bathing her watching her take her first steps? I have also felt excited for her, have felt that my blessing which I gave her so many years ago is still honored by Heavenly Father. There are few blessings I remember pronouncing as I held her in my arms arms as others gathered around. One was the ability to make friends, I knew she would moving around a lot, (there's a story behind that) Another is that she would find a Priesthood holder that would take her to the Temple.

And so that day is at hand. I love my little Britt, She has bought me such joy and yet she has also bought me great sorrow - not her personal because she is the best daughter in the world - the sorrow comes from not being there for her. I knew long ago as I held her in my arms in the hospital that my time with her would be short, that the path I was facing would take me away form her and my family. But I also knew I would love her all my life, and I trusted she would always feel my love.

Keeping to my form I always have song for each point in my life, I guess comes from being in the "Theatre" So from Fiddler on the Roof - I bring you Sunrise Sunset.

"Is this the little girl I carried? Is this the little girl at play? I don't remember growing older when did she?....Sunrise, sunset, swiftly flow the days...When did is get be a beauty? Wasn't yesterday she was small? Sunrise, Sunset swiftly fly the years, one season flowing another laden with happiness and tears.." (OK a little campy but....)

I am so happy and excited for her. I felt a peace a month ago when we talked about Kyle and knew he was the one. Just been on pins and needles waiting. I have a Son!!!

I wish wish them all the happiness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

congrats uncle rue!! We are excited for her :)