01 October, 2011

Voice from the Past Points Towards Tomorrow

Over the last few months my mother's voice came to me. It started just as one small remembrance then over the past weeks it begun to grow until I knew I had to follow her example and trust in myself....and change career paths.

In the spring of 1981, I had just returned from my mission, I witness the wisdom of my mom. Since moving to Orem, Utah in 1969, Mom had worked at the Wasatch Medical Center, first as a Nurse then by 1981 she was the Office Manger. One morning, I believe it was a Wednesday, I answered the phone and it the Clinic asking if they could speak to Mom. I told them she was at work, the person on the other end said OK and hung up later that afternoon I received another phone call asking to talk to mom and I replied that she was work, they then said that she had not been there all day, and were wondering if I knew were she was. Of course I had no idea. I begun to worry and wonder where she would be.

Mom arrived at home, later that afternoon, carrying a painting into the house. I asked her "Where she had been all day, that the Clinic had been calling for her." She replied "I had to take a personal day to think and went to Provo Craft and Novelty to take an art class." The result was the painting. She had not painted since leaving Blanding. She then turned to me, and said "I have made a decision. I am working way too hard for someone else, not to be working for myself." Shortly thereafter she quit the Clinic and her "second" job of teaching sewing became her full time focus. Over the next few years Distinctive Designs by Glen Dora was the sole income for our family.

It was that one small phrase that kept echoing in my heart and mind..."I am working way too hard for someone else, not be working for myself." Finally I could not fight it any more. I too, realized that after seventeen years, working for Gap, Inc. That I too was working way too hard, not to be working for myself.

But what can I do, what do I have a passion about? I thought and thought and could not come up with answer. However like most things in life, what is right in front of you is the thing that you can not see...Genealogy, Family History. So I begun to research what it would entail to be come a Professional Genealogist. The more I looked the stronger the idea became. When doubt came I heard my mom's voice...with a leap of faith and trust in myself I made the decision, a calm then came to me and all fell into place, I have plan, I see a future....so "Unlocking your Past with Rue Lynn" is born.


Rachel said...

Wow Uncle Rue! That is great! Good luck with everything. I am going to put you in touch with The Generations Project, they use professionals for every episode. I wonder how you can get on their list? I'll see what I can do!

Rue Lynn said...

Thanks, that would be great. I am really looking forward to using my experience to work.

Rex G said...

Woo hoo! Maybe Grandma is influencing me because I've always had that work for myself mentality. Congrats on the new business, please let me know how to help.

I read a ton of business books and believe they could help you manage and attract customers. Let me know if you're interested. I'd like to get you one book of your choice as an investment on your inevitable success.

Make it happen.