10 July, 2009

Have you done any good?

Steven and I were returning from Ikea, when we stopped at Publix, our local grocery store to pick up some lunch. As we turned into the parking lot I noticed a 'panhandler', I told Steven we needed to get out of the car a quickly as possible so we could miss her.

Well... no luck. She did not ask for money but if we could buy her and her husband some food to eat. I quickly answered yes and rushed off inside the store. I picked up some chicken fingers from the deli and found Steven and rushed through check out. I found the women and gave them to her. Then quickly started the car and drove off.

As I was driving home a hymn come in my head. I thought how strange I have not sung this hymn in many years, since my youth. It's not a favorite hymn of mine, never the less, the words seemed to have been called forward....

Have you done any good in the world today?
Have you helped anyone in need?
Have you cheered up the sad,
help someone feel gald?
If not you have failed indeed.
When they needed my help was I there?
Then wake up and do something more,
than dream of your mansion above.
Doing good is a pleasure a joy beyond measure.
A blessing, a duty of love.

I am not sure if the words are correct, however the thought was there. I then told Steve we could have done more, bought water, why not a full chicken? I was so much in a rush to get through with my task, that I did not stop and think, "What can I do, to really help." Over the day I kept thinking why was I so much in a rush to help this woman?

Through out my life I have tried to treat people I met with love and be nonjudgmental, to see the good in them. In all I do I try to left people up, to have them feel worth. When I was active in the Church, the two topics I would choose to talk on were always Christ and his love, then just Love - charity the pure love of Christ. When ever I did the spirit was there and would always receive several comments after wards.

I vowed I would not fail next time I would help out of love, not just out of duty. The next day I was provided an opportunity to full fill this promise. I was just putting the gas cap on my car when I was asked if I could spear money so they could get gas in their car. I never carry any money with me, so my first reaction was to say"No sorry I don't have any money with me." However I said "I have no money but I can put ten dollars in the tank for you." So went with them pulled out my ATM card and filled the tank with ten dollars worth of gas. A simple act.

I write not to say how great a person I am but rather to reflect on the many times we might pass a stranger without a word, with out seeing them. Would a warm hello and smile help them on their way? Do we say a quick I love you as we say good bye to our loved ones, just out of habit, or do we really stop look them in the eyes and really mean it when say I love you. Do we discipline out of and with love?

I could go on, however this blog would be way too long. So I ask, Have I helped anyone in the world today? Have I cheered up the sad, have I made someone feel glad? When they needed me was I there?


Rachel said...

Sweet post Uncle Rue. It's a good reminder. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

that is a great one :) Thanks for the reminder. It's hard when life gets busy to remember to be what we teach and learn about!